Have I said that my new favorite show is How I Met Your Mother? I caught a few episodes just before the summer then through out the summer I bought season after season till I was completely caught in time for the premiere of season 7.
I fell in love with this show. While it may have its moments that are a little sketchy and pushing the limits, but what shows/movies don't these days? I feel drawn to the small group of people in which the show follows, while I don't live the same lifestyle as them. They live a life where there is true friendship no matter what the circumstance, whenever things go wrong they work together and strive to make ones life better.
And believe me, I'm not saying that I don't have that circle of friends, I do. And I hope they know that I am thankful for them everyday. Whenever I am feeling that life is not what I want, someone pops up and says something that raises my spirit. Even if they don't know it.
But I can relate the most to one character from the show in particular. Ted Mosby. Again, even this character has its moments that push the limits as far as what I stand for in my life, but I feel drawn to him. He and I have the same mission. To find that one woman who takes our breath away and yearns to live life together. And Ted and I both have had our adventures that no matter how great they are, unfortunately end in failure. Of course, Ted eventually finds the one (hence the name of the show) and I know that one day (hopefully) I will too.
But for us, its this waiting period in between that kills us. We sit and watch our friends as they start their lives with their loved ones. Quiet but supportive, longing for what they have but still knowing that our day will come.
Patience is a hard virtue to handle. Its especially hard when your Newsfeed on Facebook is filled with engagement announcements, pictures, and wedding celebrations. Successful relationships seem to happen to everyone but you, you only have memories of a few good moments from the past excursions in your life.
Again, believe me. I live a happy life and strive to walk as God has called me too. But there are times when I look at my life and compare it to some of the friends. Jealous? Yes. But..
I know my God has a plan for all of this. All those times that I compare my life to others, I am doubting Him, and trying to take control of my life. But that is not what God wants from me, He wants TOTAL control.
Galatians 5:25-26 ESV
" If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another."
So..that is whats been on my heart lately
November 27, 2011
October 9, 2011
Would you look at that..
You know, most times I sit in front of my computer for a good amount of time thinking of a introduction to each post. I never know how to start...is that weird?
If I remember correctly, I last left you writing about my new job with Aramark at ODU. My hopes for a more stable work enviroment, and knowledge expanding work days were crushed. I would rather not bore you with all the details, but I knew going into this position it would be different. But I didn't think this different.
So needless to say, I am back on the job hunt. I am having a problem deciding what exactly I want to do. Go back into Hotels? A restaurant? I don't know, there is many options out there. But I don't know which to do, some thing I do know are: I want to work in the mornings.
If that means giving breakfast a shot, so be it.
If that means becoming a prep cook, okay.
I like having my evenings back, it gives me a chance to do things with friends, and try to have a social life.
I just don't know...
ha - you know, its decisions like this that make me want to drop everything and go to a place where help is needed and this "American Dream" stuff isn't pushed in my face all the time.
Don't get me wrong, I like the thought of money, the thought of THE house, and THE car, and THE restaurant.
But I don't want that to consume me. I have a greater purpose while here on this earth.
Ecclesiastes 12:13: "The last and final word is this: Fear God. Do what he tells you." (MSG)
Matthew 28:18-20: "And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them int the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (ESV)
I don't know how I went from becoming a prep cook to this...but I guess thats whats been on my heart lately..sorry if it doesn't make sense. I don't know how many time I erased and rewrote this thing.. but I am glad I stopped after those two sentences above.
so thats me right now -
August 22, 2011
What now...
Wow. I've got some catching up to do on here. Nothing too crazy.
Well. One crazy thing. Nothing bad. In fact, it was one the greatest things for me.
First -
I no longer work at the Founder's Inn and Spa. I closed that chapter of my life around four weeks ago. I couldn't be happier. I mean, I miss the friendships I gained from my coworkers, but I think it was a great move for me.
I "officially" started my new job as a catering cook at ODU on August 12th, but I actually haven't had a work day yet. So I technically haven't had a job for the last four weeks. I didn't mind. Although, my first day of actually work starts in roughly 31/2 hours at 3 am.
I can't get to sleep, I've tired for the last 3 hours. I watched a movie I redbox'd, It's kind of a Funny Story. Pretty cool movie. Point is, I can't sleep. I have too much running through my mind.
Second -
You see, right now I am in the middle of the post mission-trip blues. Not just me, but 9 of my friends too.
This past week we had the opportunity to take a trip down to Ensenada, Mexico and show God's love and grace to a family in need. In four days our little group of 10 people built this young family a home for them to live in. Gave them something to believe in, walked in step with Jesus Christ to show this small family that they are loved and cherished.
Though there was a small language barrier between us, we could get by with our elementary 'Spanglish'. The message though, blew past every barrier possible. The family saw our love and more importantly saw God's love for them. Though they might not have everything together, they know that there is a God who is watching over them, and a group of friends in America who are praying for them.
I really am thankful for this trip, it was a eye-opener for me, and not just me but my friends too. Spending this past week together, I think brought us, as a whole, closer as friends. We all worked hard together, for the same goal. Each of us pushed through our own comfort zones and boundaries to make a impact on this family. We spent nearly every minute of everyday together.
I think its kinda safe to say that when we returned home and went our separate ways, something felt like it was missing. Now I'm not saying that we need to spend every moment together, but we grew together as a group. As friends.
And that is important, to have a group of people that you can depend on, to trust, to talk with, to have community with, is vital to everyday life as a Christian.
That is what was really put on my heart this past week in Mexico. To have a community like I have is special. This group is truly a group of people who really care about each other and strive to live like Jesus. And sometimes I don't take advantage of this...
Another thing placed on my heart was my personal walk with God.
Am I taking every chance I can to show God's love and talk about his grace and forgiveness? No. I'm not.
I hide in my shell through the work week, then when in a place of comfort I can talk about it, I can show it.
Am I talking to people about faith and why I believe what I believe. No.
I cover it up with things of this earthly world to look good, for people to like me.
Then I realized I don't need everyone to like me. I mean..I would like to liked by everyone but if my faith gives my the name of a outsider by some then so be it. I have a community that is there for me. I need to step out more and actually walk in faith.
this is my battle right now. i need to live jesus at all time and not just when I feel comfortable with it.
I feel like this blog is going on longer and longer, but oh well. I can do what I want on here.
so what now...
For my friends and I we are struggling to regain balance in our lives. We have been rocked by God, and strive to maintain the fire that was ignited inside of us. Life in Mexico seemed simple, away from distractions. No worries of tuition payments, car payments, JOBS, we just lived in community doing God's work. Now that we are back in reality it is a struggle to not be distracted by the things of earth.
Needless to say, this trip to Mexico gave me a lot to think about. a lot to pray about.
and honestly.
I'm glad.
July 4, 2011
It is time.
You know, so many things have happened lately. Good things, bad things, whatever things.
Its crazy to think sometimes.
I've officially graduated from Culinary school. I've earned my first degree..whoo! I don't know when or if I will go for my bachelors. If I do it would be sweet, but I don't think its completely necessary.
As of today, I have put my two week notice into Founders Inn, and will start a new job with Aramark at Old Dominion University in the beginning of August.
I am extremely excited about this. Not just because of my recent unhappiness with Founders, but its a chance for me to learn and continue to grow in this industry. I will be working in a catering department, I believe with the Ted Constant Center. I don't know what my hours would be, but I hope that I have a actual schedule rather then a week-by-week kind of thing.
I hope that this job will create a little more free time in my life, so I can be able to truly help out and support our youth group at church. I feel as though I am letting my friends down by not being able to be there or help out as often as I would like too. Friends, thank you. You know who you are. I hope to be able to jump in soon.
I played my acoustic in the church band back in May and this past Sunday, and both instances made me really miss playing. I need to make more time in my day to pick it back up and begin to practice more often.
I miss my friends. My friends that I grew up with. My brothers (and sisters!). I need to make time to spend with them. I miss them horribly. I realized tonight that I don't even make a effort to text/email/Facebook/ or Whatever any of them weekly or even daily. I need to do that. I never thought or liked the thought that we would grow apart from each other.
I can't let that happen. It won't.
In fact, today is the 4th of July. Most of the time my brain was yearning to go back in time a few years when I spent a evening on the 4th with this group of friends. We went to see fireworks in Hampton and from the spot we were at, we could see all or most of the different firework shows in Hampton Roads. We could see the beach, downtown Norfolk, Williamsburg/Busch Gardens, then suddenly right in front of us the show we went to see started.
Such good times. I miss it.
I look forward to what is ahead of me in my life. I do hope winning the lottery is part of that plan, or just meeting the most beautiful woman who has the richest of families. I say that with loosely, I just wish the dreams I have didn't cost so much money. It makes me what to just give up and move to a place where I can help and serve without the worry of bills and other ridiculous things.
I will forever love Relient K's album 'Two lefts don't make a right, but three do'. That is the good stuff.
I also need to start working out...I'll say it. I am a bit insecure about the way I look..and its gonna change.
I am so freaking excited about going to Mexico with my friends in two months. I hope I can get all the money needed for the trip.
I bought new Toms, I am also really excited about this.
Also, I am treating myself to a show in DC tomorrow night. I wish I had thought about this earlier, so maybe someone could have came with me. But it should be nice, I am staying over night up there so I don't possibly kill myself driving back home right after the show. I am excited a little vaca in the beginning of the week. Sweet.
So far this has been a pretty informative/random post.
Till next time -
-Corey Joseph
June 22, 2011
I know, I know
I owe you a blog about my life and whats going on...but i've been busy. The Swan has been keeping me busy.
Anywho - check out and follow my dream businesses blog -- Cooking from the Cor(e)
and also on facebook under the same name!! :)
Thanks. Seee you later!
P.S. I GRADUATE THIS FRIDAY!!!!! Whoo hooo!!!
May 16, 2011
April 20, 2011
Sometimes I just want everything to stop...
I think my title says it all, there are times that I just want everything to stop and let me not have to deal with the pressures of this world.
But that can't happen, we have to learn how to take on different situations and conflicts and press on as if nothing happens.
I mean, sure. Why not. Pay over $200 for your dog who now has to be on pain meds for her back problem, hand out over $400 for new tires on your car, pay the people even more money then what they have taken out of your paycheck..mortgage for a home..
You know, America is pretty cool and all. But sometimes I long to be in a place where I nothing to do but live for jesus, and not worry about money and property and a job.
Confession - I struggle with my spiritual life because I am too wrapped up in this lousy reality of our earthly life.
I worry about doing a good job at work, I wrap my head around all the problems and conflicts we have at work and I get so frustrated and have negative energy built up inside me..and I will keep it there, because I am not the kind to speak my mind on some things. I'll tip-toe around the problem and bring up something else.
I know, how can complain about a problem if I am doing nothing about it..
I don't know.
To get a little less depressing -
Everyday I get excited that I am one day closer to owning my own place. While I love my parents and my siblings I want to start living my own life. Have a place to call my own. I just can't wait for the day to come!
till then -
April 10, 2011
let it all out..
I just want it to be known..
I do think about writing in here, and I really want to.
But I never feel like typing everything out.
yea, I know...
March 28, 2011
Back in my life
So I've been back in normal day to day life, my vacation to portland and north pole was everything I wanted it to be. Good times with good friends.
great talks.
and of course good food.
amazing sites and views of a new world.
I could definitely live in Portland, that city is huge and packed filled with everything. Amazing things to do, great restaurants to check out. I thought of it just like NYC but way less crazy.
North Pole was pretty, that town loves christmas. they love it all year long it seems. the moose loved me. I saw six or seven of them in the four days I was there. apparently my friend who lives there doesn't see them that often.
I loved the airports. I loved my layovers in the different cities, I know. I am weird, but who isn't in this world. I loved seeing a new part of the world, it made my heart yearn to travel more often. I wish I could.
i wish i had someone to travel with...but i'd rather not write about that. i don't need to dwell on it, i know it will eventually happen, patience is what i need though.
and not just about relationships, but with everything. my greatest desire right now is to claim some independence and own a house. i know that i am comfortable here in hampton roads, i love my life here, my friends, my church, my (kinda, sorda) job. I don't wanna leave it all yet.
i just need to practice my patience in the process of buying a house and all that jazz..its hard.
life is hard.
have i mentioned that i love my friends and my church. because i do.
i am ready to go back to the west coast again. i miss them so much. it was nice to be with them again, they truly are my best friends.

March 5, 2011
I am ready!
I am sure people are tired of hearing me say this, but I cannot believe that tomorrow is when I leave for my trip to Portland and Alaska! I am so very excited, I can't wait to spend time with my two best friends. These ladies are by far my two bestest friends and I am so glad that they are allowing me to come visit them!
I am just so ready for a vacation, I have been non-stop working and schooling for almost two years, it feels so weird not to have had classes the last two weeks, but it also feels good too. I've accomplished my first Degree! I can't believe it, I say my first because it is likely that I will go back and work on my BA. But I'm not going to think about that until much later on in the year!
Thanks to a great family who allowed me to borrow their camera I will get some SAweet pictures while I am there and I will definitely show everyone!
My first big trip, my first degree, I feel like life is going in a good direction! I recently stumbled upon a newer singer/songwriter named Joey Contreras. I love any type of musical theater songwriter and this young man's music is amazing, seriously look him up! He has one song titled 'Ready', after listening to this song multiple times I consider this song to be my little montra to keep me going through the day. This is the chorus, I love it! Its like he wrote it for me!
"I am ready, I am getting stronger on my own, heading straight into the unknown. I am worthy so I'm just gonna try. Maybe I will crash and burn, but there are lessons I can learn from every, person that I get to know, loving what can make me grow, who knows how far I'll go. I am ready. I am doing what I wanna do, after all I've gone through, no matter what people say, I'm getting better with each day. I am ready!"
I love this song it has really become part of my everyday life. I am looking for to this new journey ahead of me. Not only my trip to the West Coast, but also my life after I get back. In my job, in my graduation, and also my personal life!
February 25, 2011
T-minus 8 days!!!!
I can't believe it! Only nine days until I leave on my vacation. I think everyone who knows me is probably tired of me talking about it, but I can't help it. I have never been on the West Coast, nor travel further then Kentucky! Its going to be a big adventure for me, and its going to be awesome because I will be with two my bestest friends!! Theres a little part in me that wishes something would happen that I have to extend my trip a couple days, hahaha. :)
Another huge thing in my life right now, is my completion of school!!! I am officially done with school! Graduation day is June 24th! Such a long way away, but I am so glad that I am done now. It has really been a awesome time and I will never forget the people I've met and the things I have been taught.
Other things in my life are doing alright I guess, I am not sure what I am going to do with all this spare time I have in the mornings. I've thought of some ideas, find some ballroom or tap dancing classes, start going to the gym to tone up a bit.
Another thing I am going to start doing is to go do as much stuff as I can. I want to take trips to places and see things! This trip to Oregon and Alaska have got me thinking about things or places I wanna see and do! I'm super excited because I am going to go to Mexico this year with my church. Nothing can stop me this year, I am going to go.
And can I just say, I spent all day with my sister and my little buddy yesterday and it was awesome. Well I'm going out to try and enjoy my saturday till I have to go to work.
Only 8 more days!!
February 15, 2011
Good times..
I promise I will write in about the Banquet this past friday, and even more good stuff going on, but right now I'm pretty busy!
only two more weeks of classes!!
February 7, 2011
Just a thought --
So yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. Whoo, I don't pay attention to sports at all, any type of sport.
Yesterday also church day! I have to say that I really needed my church by the time Sunday came yesterday. This past week at work had to be one of the most stressful for me. I try not to let work stress me out, I try to take it one day at a time and do what I can. But its hard for me not to bring this stress home with me and I sit and think about it and it builds up in me. I need distractions when I am not at work..
In turn I can see that it has affected me at home with my family. I snap at my brother and sister, even my parents. I can't stand it.
I just don't understand how they (being my chefs, and even the higher ups) think that what they are doing is good for the business or even more importantly their employees.
But thats not what I came on here to talk about...
Yesterday at church we finished our series called Ekklesia (I don't know if I spelled that right), but the idea behind the series was talking about us as the church. Not a building or whatever but US. We are the church. And yesterday we heard about worship and what it means to worship. Not just going to church and playing in the band or singing along with the band playing. But truly worshiping, and not only at church but in everything we do.
and I know that its one thing I struggle with. It showed a lot in this past week. Through out my whole stressing out I never gave it to Him. I never talked to him. I never gave him worship through the hard times, I mean look at Paul. Paul went through the CRAZIEST stuff, and through everything he gave God the glory and worshiped Him.
Why don't I do that? My life isn't like his, I haven't been stoned, beaten, put in jail numerous times, abandoned. I only deal with people who don't run a staff very well, some confused guests, and some annoying servers. Why can't I turn everything over to Him.
Oh I know why, I am selfish. I want to try to fix everything my self or I just hold everything in till one day I may just burst.
I need to give Him my troubles and worries, rely on him, and worship Him for who he is and what he has given me.
Another sad thought that I had last night, we have a group coming to the Inn this weekend and their name is FamilyLife. Not sure what kind of group they are, whether a church group or business group, or whatever. But, one of my friends and she is the BEST server, came and asked me who FamilyLife was and I didn't know but suggested that it might be a church group. Sadly both of our faces frowned after answering. We both knew what that meant, it meant that we would have a group of picky, selfish people eating at the craziest of times and demanding everything without the kindness that God would want them to show. And not mention forget to tip their servers.
Isn't that sad, a group of people coming together in the name of Christ and they can be the rudest of all the groups and conventions we could have there. As my friend said at the end of our conversation. She said this as if she were talking to a guest.
'Stop complaining and LOVE JESUS!'
February 2, 2011
What Timing!
So how about this for timing. My dads niece and her daughters made a pit-stop here on
their way to Florida. The oldest of the two girls has taken a interest into cooking and baking
recently. In her short time here she and her sister wanted to be able to do something with me in
the kitchen. So I cut class early on Tuesday and came home to do a little something with them.
She wanted to make cream puffs, which is funny because in my last post I said that I wanted
to do a blog on Choux. Cream puffs are made with what it called Pate a Choux. Pate a Choux
is a pastry used for Eclairs, profiteroles, CREAM PUFFS, you could do many different applications with it.
These cream puffs we made were filled with a Pastry cream we also made, and I lighten it
a bit by folding in some whipped cream. So I had my brother and my sister try to get pictures
of the process in making the pastry cream the choux pastry. So lets take a look!!
Above we are mixing together our Egg yolks, sugar, and cornstarch. The yolks are going to be a
natural thicker for the cream and the cornstarch is added in just to help. Before this step we
have put our milk and Vanilla Bean on the stove top to begin scalding.
Then once scalding, we tempered the hot milk into yolk mixture. We temper it slowly that way the
eggs don't cook right away. Return everything back to the
pot to cook out the cornstarch and allow it to thicken. It could happen fast.
Here is the finished cream. We are not done here, we need to strain out the vanilla bean and
any little pieces of cooked egg.
After straining it you want it too cool down. And always cover it with parchment or plastic wrap
so a skin doesn't develop on the top of the cream.
So from here we move on to the Choux Pastry.
that we really mix the water and butter together. Then we measure out our eggs, my cousin
Tori was the egg-lady. She handled all the egg in our production.
Then the dough is put in a mixer bowl, and we will slowly add the eggs.
Once we have reached our desired consistency, we need to pipe these out right away. Since this was just something fun for the girls to do I let them make whatever shapes and dots they wanted.
After piping, into a HOT HOT oven for 15 minutes at 400 then we turn it down to 350 till they have puffed and colored to a golden brown.
Once cooled down, we filled them with our whipped pastry cream and glazed them with chocolate.
Thats it! It is really pretty easy to make. I went through it pretty quickly and left out some details,
but I'll put another post about it some time.
Oh, did I mention that my sis and her husband were there too, and of course my cute little buddy!
January 31, 2011
Some recent baking fun..
So I had a bit of fun this past Friday and Saturday. I had friday off work and I volunteered to make some desserts for a Worship team meeting Saturday. I also had told a friend that I would make a little something special for her since she had missed out on the last time I made some sweets!
I decided that for the meeting I would make a Key Lime Tart so friday morning I made my short dough for the tart as well as the custard. Unfortunately I didn't get the play-by-play pictures for that simply because I didn't even think about it. But Friday I made the tarts, and made Red Velvet cupcakes and a small cake as well. My friend would receive the cupcakes and my family would keep the cake. So friday I made three separate key lime tarts, a dozen red velvet cupcakes, a red velvet cake, as well as a American buttercream to go with the red velvet.
About 1pm I get a call from work saying that they needed me for the night. I didn't want to go in because I was having fun, and I had dinner plans with my family for Norfolk's Restaurant Week. I was excited to go to that, but I decided to go, not only does it get me brownie points with my bosses there, but also extra money to have for PORTLAND AND ALASKA!
So friday night was busy, and come saturday morning I wake up semi-early and finish what I had started, so this is where I decide to do the play-by-play pictures for fun and a cool blog post. I want to do more of these, I like it.
So here we go!

So here I took the cupcakes I made the day before and split them up. I was going to keep six of them a regular Red Velvet cupcake, and the other I filled them with a Tiramisu Mascarpone Whipped Cream.

for the whipped cream filling, I whipped up some heavy cream, and folded in this mascarpone cheese I found at
Harris Teeter. Yummy.

I didn't stop with the filling, I brewed some espresso and added it to some the buttercream I had made and topped the cupcakes with it.
A coffee buttercream? YES PLEASE!

And the this is the final product! The six on
the plate are the filled cupcakes with the coffee buttercream, and the six wrapped around it are topped with the regular american buttercream. The coffee buttercream had just enough of a coffee taste not to overpowering, and the filling
was so smooth and creamy. It went really well with the Red Velvet cake.
I was happy with the outcome.
Here is a finish Key Lime Tart. I had three different sized tart pans, this the large, the medium went to my family's church Chili/Soup cookoff (In which my little sister won Best soup!) and the small was for US of course!!

Overall I had a fun weekend, I really do love to bake, and I try to practice any time I get! Next I'm thinking some breads, and working with Choux Pastry! Don't worry, if you don't know what Choux pastry is I'll have a post about it soon!
Till next time!
January 23, 2011
I wish that I could..
Have you ever had those thoughts? 'I wish I could --', you fill in the blank.
I have. Everyday. Most times its the same one and its simple. Really. Its so simple.
All that I have wished for is to win the lottery. Thats simple, right?
I have plans for it already too. Simple plans. Pay off my school loans, buy a house, start a business, open a business with my friends.
Of course, I'd give a good sum of the money back to the One who gave it to me.
Lately, I have had nothing but the desire to open my own business and try to make it in this crazy world doing the thing that I love. But I am torn what I want to start. Do I open a little pastry shop/bakery doing what I REALLY love, or go for a small bistro style of a restaurant? Which I love too and one day will have.
I have so many things going on in my life though, and most times it is my fault because I don't know how to say no. Or not that I can't say no, but I don't plan everything real well.
I have too many desires and ideas going on in my head right now. About a month or so ago Chef had mentioned something of a Cupcakery that would be rolling out soon at Founders. They want it to attract Regent students, and whatever/whoever else. I took that idea and began writing down more ideas too it. I've had it written up for about two or three weeks now, I have yet to ask Chef or show it too him.
The things that I want to do, I think, could really bring in the Regent students like they want too. And not only Regent students, but people off the street, guests that are staying in the hotel. I think I could really turn it into something great. I just gotta get the guts to talk to Chef about it. Hm.
A friend of mine is going to look at a piece of property that is for sale. Not just any property, a restaurant. This certain place was a pizza joint once, and a bagel joint once. So its got some pretty good equipment, I am working things out that I can go with him and check it out. Ultimately, whenever this friend of mine buys a place and begins opening a restaurant I am going to be there 100% to help him out, in and out of kitchen.
Too many things going on all at once. And one simple thing that could help make life easier.
Win the lottery. I have never played the lottery.
January 17, 2011
Wow, what a weekend for me! Sadly it wasn't very eventful, or fun most times. I was sick! It started on Thursday I think...my chest felt so congested and my throat was on fire. I am not sure exactly what I had but it was bad Friday. Friday was horrible for me, I called out of working at Terebinth that morning with possibilities of calling out from the Swan.
I spent the morning in bed and just relaxed, I felt well enough to get up and go get stuff for my chili for a cook-off we would have at church. I decide to work the night, boy was it crazy. I got there at 2pm and did as much as I could as fast as I could. I became very tired right away, and had to push myself to make it through the night.
What a crazy night we had, we had around 24 people on the books for the night, but we at the Swan know that people love to walk-in! 530pm-900pm felt like it went so slow, but so fast at the same time. Ticket after ticket kept coming in, and my head and chest kept pounding. Oh and by the way, I had no voice the entire day. I couldn't talk at all and if I did I sounded horrible.
Needless to say, come the end of service I got out of there as soon as I could. I came home and crashed..I don't think that I have ever slept in such a DEEP sleep as I did that night. I got home around 10pm and didn't wake up till around 9 or so. Feeling a little better, but still had no voice. I made my chili for the cook-off that night. It was good.
Had band practice and then went to the cook-off. Brought dad along for the fun, and it was a good time. Some good chili and some 'eh chili..but it was still fun.
Sunday was good, church was awesome. Worship really rocked this week, I love being a part of that team. And being a part of that church is awesome too, I love NBCC. I was also able to go to our college group too, I do miss going every sunday. I am excited because I have next sunday off too! :D
And today was simple. Went to class and came home and fell asleep for almost 3 hours!! Why? I don't know, I guess my body is still recouping from its crazy sicky weekend.
I think thats all for now - oh by the way. Next monday starts my FINAL term at CIV! One step closer to going to the WEST COAST and ALASKA!!!!!!! :DD
-Corey Joe
January 9, 2011
Too little or Too much control?
But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
1 Corinthians 9:27 ESV
Today in church this verse was part of the sermon. We started a new series called Ekklesia. Ekklesia is the word used in the New Testament for 'church'. And we talked about what we thought about church and what church means. When the preacher used this verse in his sermon it had caught my attention. Something about the words really struck a chord with me. He had used a different version but using my loverly Android phone, I quickly looked at other versions..
I liked how the Message bible had written it:
I’m staying alert and in top condition. I’m not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.
Also how the American Standard Version says it:
but I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.
Out of the three versions I have listed I think that I liked the Message the most. In my eyes it hits the nail right on the head. After reading that verse from the message I immedalitely began thinking about how sometimes in my life I've done that, and not even sometimes. Daily. People, my co-workers know that I go to church, I've had talks with people about God and salvation and what it means to me but that is all I do about it. I don't live it out completely. I "nap" constantly, my relationship with Jesus is never the only thing on my mind, I think about WAY too much other stuff and not enough about Jesus. Personal time with talking to Him, or spending time in his Word was just an act, or not even there at all.
Talking the talk isn't as spectacular without walking the walk. I need to change. Call it one of my 'resolutions', but I really don't want to call it that, but I have realized that I have come to a point in my life where I realized that I am doing the exact opposite of the verse. I don't control myself, or maybe I over control myself with the things of this world and my longings rather then those of God.
I'm sorry if when you're reading this it seems like I'm jumping from place to place and not making any sense. I'm just writing down what been going on in my head all day..and hey its my blog I can do and write however i want. :)
January 7, 2011
Vegan? We got you!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Tonight at the Swan Terrace, we had a guest call and ask if we had vegan choices on our menu. We don't, but we put together something special just for them. I say we, but it was really all of my coworker ideas. I gave him simple suggestions and helped plate.
So what we prepared for them is a asian themed entree. In the ying-yang shape are polenta cakes. Polenta is a awesome product, made from just corn meal and stock. You can make as thick or thin as you want, the thicker the more application you can do. We have a terriyaki (the darker one) polenta cake, and a regular polenta cake both have fresh herbs to add flavor.
The sauce along the side is a terriyaki sauce infused with mandarin orange. Sitting atop the sauce are four portion of eggplant sushi. Rolled with risotto sun-dried tomatoes, and grilled asparagus.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
And in the corners of the plate is a fresh citrus salad, composed of madarin oranges, lime, lemon, red onion and cilantro.
Simple vegan, but done nice and elegant. And to finish their meal, we had a mango sorbet.
All in all, its nothing incredible and super vegan. But having only 30 minutes to prepare something for our guest I think we did pretty well.
And that is that..
January 4, 2011
A new dawn, a new day..
Wow, can you believe it. I can't, its January 4th 2011!
I can remember being a little kid and thinking about the future and think that we would be completely high tech, and hover cars everywhere and maybe we would even have teleportation like in the Power Rangers. But we don't.
I am not one to do New Year resolutions or anything but I did put together a little list of things, goals for this year. And sadly, I am already four days behind..sad? I think so. Just to name a few of my goals, I want to blog more, I want to just write, maybe turn this into a food-ish 1/4/11
haha, so I started writing that yesterday. In the midst of me doing so I fell asleep and woke up just in time for work.
So as I was saying, I do want to blog more and maybe turn this into a food-ish blog. Food won't completely take over, but I'll throw in my little tids bits and show off the things I make or experiment with.
In march I am going to do something I have never done before and I am so excited. I'm flying across the United States and spending sometime in Portland, Oregon and North Pole, Alaska! Two of my bestest friends live in those places, two ladies who have helped me in more ways then they probably know.
One friend and her husband were stationed in Alaska by the Air force, and her sister moved back closer to home. I miss them terribly. But I am super excited to do this, its almost like a graduation present from myself. I wish I could take some more time and spend some time in California too, but that will be for another time.
Other exciting news is the NBCC Valentines Banquet coming fast! I am ready, its going to be great this year.
OH and I will be completely done with my degree in Culinary Arts in the end of February!!!
Till the next time --
Corey Joe
I can remember being a little kid and thinking about the future and think that we would be completely high tech, and hover cars everywhere and maybe we would even have teleportation like in the Power Rangers. But we don't.
I am not one to do New Year resolutions or anything but I did put together a little list of things, goals for this year. And sadly, I am already four days behind..sad? I think so. Just to name a few of my goals, I want to blog more, I want to just write, maybe turn this into a food-ish 1/4/11
haha, so I started writing that yesterday. In the midst of me doing so I fell asleep and woke up just in time for work.
So as I was saying, I do want to blog more and maybe turn this into a food-ish blog. Food won't completely take over, but I'll throw in my little tids bits and show off the things I make or experiment with.
In march I am going to do something I have never done before and I am so excited. I'm flying across the United States and spending sometime in Portland, Oregon and North Pole, Alaska! Two of my bestest friends live in those places, two ladies who have helped me in more ways then they probably know.
One friend and her husband were stationed in Alaska by the Air force, and her sister moved back closer to home. I miss them terribly. But I am super excited to do this, its almost like a graduation present from myself. I wish I could take some more time and spend some time in California too, but that will be for another time.
Other exciting news is the NBCC Valentines Banquet coming fast! I am ready, its going to be great this year.
OH and I will be completely done with my degree in Culinary Arts in the end of February!!!
Till the next time --
Corey Joe
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